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authorNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a HD69
Project benefits management : Linking your project to the business/Dr. Trish Melton, Dr. Peter Iles-Smith, Jim Yates
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Butterworth Heinemann , 2008 Melton, Trish 9780750684774 93092
2 a HD69
Managing project delivery : Maintaining control and achieving success/Trish Melton, Peter Iles-Smith
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann , 2009 Melton, Trish 9780750685153 93376
3 a HD69
Real project planning : Developing a project delivery strategy/Trish Melton
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann , 2008 Melton, Trish 978750684729 93378
4 a HD69
Project management toolkit : The basics for project success/Trish Melton
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Butterworth Heinemann , 2007 Melton, Trish 9780750684408 93379