Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 14

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a QA320
Studies in functional analysis
Washington, D.C., [ United States ] : The Mathematical Association of America , 1980 23613
2 a QA331
Elementary theory of metric spaces : a course in constructing mathematical proofs
New York, [ United States ] : Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. , 1982 Reisel, Robert B 24744
3 a QA331.5
Real variables : an introduction to the theory of functions/John M. H. Olmsted
New York, [ United States ] : Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. , 1959 Olmsted, John M. H. 47313
4 a QA320
Introductory real analysis
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1970 Kalmogorov, A. N 49111
5 a QA329
Calculus two : linear and non-linear functions
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1971 Flanigan, Francis J 49316
6 a QA320
Introduction to functional analysis/Angus E. Taylor
Tokyo, [ Japan ] : Toppan Co , 1958 Taylor, Angus E. 49378
7 a QA331.5
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of real variables
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1969 Spiegel, Murray 49549
8 a QA331.5
Real analysis/H. L. Royden
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1968 Royden, H. L. 6810518 112703
9 a QA431
Integral transforms and their applications/B. Davies
New York, [ United States ] : Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. , 1978 Davies, B. 0387903135 112773
10 a QA320
Functional analysis/George Bachman and Lawrence Narici
New York, [ United States ] : Academic Press, Inc., Publishers , 1966 Bachman, George 0120702509 112854
11 a QA320
Introduction to real functions and orthogonal expansions/by Bela Sz. - Nagy
New York, [ United States ] : Oxford University Press , 1965 Sz.- Nagy, Bela 114483
12 a QA320
Calculus of Several Variables/by Casper Goffman
New York, [ United States ] : Harper & Row Publishers , 1965 Goffman, Casper 114560
13 a QA320
First course in functional analysis : An introductory book that provides a sound foundation in the theories and techniques of modern analysis/Casper Goffman, George Pedrick
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice-Hall, Inc., , 1965 Goffman, Casper 114594
14 a QA320
Functional analysis/By Kosaku Yosida
New York, [ United States ] : Academic Press, Inc., Publishers , 1965 Yosida, Kosaku 114853