Copy details
The copy details of the record(61600) & the Title is: (كشوفات البيانات الديمغرافية ووما يتصل بها من بيانات اقتصادية واجتماعية لبلدان منطقة اللجنة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لغربي آسيا 1992)

The name of the Center
: Bethlehem University Library
Barcode No.
: 0000616000001
Volume, part number, version
: × , × , × , 1
: Main Library , Ground Floor
for countries of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia as assessed in 1992 (Sub Title)
Demographic and related socio-economic data sheets (Parallel Title)
For Loan
: No
Loan Status
: the copy is not for loan
Total loan
: 0
Entry Date
: 16/03/2005