Copy details
The copy details of the record(109270) & the Title is: (برنامج بناء القدرات)

The name of the Center
: Bethlehem University Library
Barcode No.
: 0001092700001
Volume, part number, version
: × , × , × , 1
: Main Library , Turathuna - 1st Floor
الدليل التدريبي في بناء الفريق ، تحديد الإحتياجات ، الحكم الصالح ، كتابة المشاريع ، التفكير الإبداعي (Sub Title)
The training manual for: Team building, needs assessment, good governance, writing proposals, creative thinking (Sub Title)
Capacity Building Program (Translated Title)
For Loan
: yes
Loan Status
Total loan
: 0
Entry Date
: 19/04/2021