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The geography of transport systems / Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois, and Brian Slack

Call.No : HE323
Record.No : 87352  [Book]
Personal name : Rodrigue, Jean-Paul
Title : The geography of transport systems / Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois, and Brian Slack
Publishing : Abingdon, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 2006
Description : ix, 284p. : ill. ; 25 cm
ISBN : 0415354412
Notes :
? transportation and geography -- Concepts: 1. What is transport geography? 2. Transportation and space; 3. Historical evolution of transportation -- Methods: 1. The notion of accessibility; 2. Geographic information systems for transportation (gis-t) -- ? Transportation systems and networks -- Concepts: 1. Transportation and commercial geography; 2. Transport costs; the geography of transportation networks; 3. Transport supply and demand -- Methods: 1. Definition and properties of graph theory; 2. Measures and indices of graph theory; 3. Network data models -- ? Economic and spatial structure of transport systems -- Concepts: 1. Transport and economic development; 2. Transport and spatial organization; 3. Transport and location -- Methods: 1. The transportation problem (linear programming); 2.Market area analysis -- ? Transportation modes -- Concepts: 1. A diversity of modes; 2. Intermodal transportation; 3. Passengers or freight? -- Methods: 1. Technical performance indicators -- ? Transportation terminals -- Concepts: 1. The function of transport terminals; 2. Terminals and location; 3. Terminals and security -- Methods: 1. Gini coefficient; 2. Delphi forecasting -- ? International and regional transportation -- Concepts: 1. Transportation, globalization and international trade; 2. Commodity chains and freight transportation; 3. Logistics -- Methods: 1. Spatial interactions; 2. The gravity model -- ? Urban transportation -- Concepts: 1. Transportation and urban form; 2. Urban land use and transportation; 3. Urban mobility; 4. Urban transport problems -- Methods: 1. Traffic counts and traffic surveys; 2. Transportation / Land Use Modeling -- ? Transport and environment -- Concepts: 1. Transport and energy; 2. Transport and environment; 3. Transport and sustainability -- Methods: 1. Transport environmental management -- ? transport planning and policy -- Concepts: 1. the nature of transport policy; 2. The policy process; 3. Transport planning -- Methods: 1. Cost-benefit analysis -- Conclusion: issues and challenges in transport geography
Biblio Notes : Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subjects : Transportation geography
Related names : Comtois, Claude
Slack, Brian
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