Subject Categories

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a HM131
Advances in social network analysis : Research in the social and behavioral sciences
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 1994 31863
2 a HM671
Advocacy for social justice : A global action and reflection guide/edited by David Cohen, Rosa de la Vega, Gabrielle Watson
Connecticut, [ United States ] : Kumarian Press, Inc. , 2001 1565491319 111488
3 a HM665
After the terror/Ted Honderich
Edinburgh, [ United Kingdom ] : Edinburgh University Press , 2002 Honderich, Ted 0748616675 97474
4 a HM101
The analysis of social change
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : University Press , 1968 Wilson, Godfrey 11506
5 a HM24
The analysis of socila systems
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Holt, Rinehart and Winston , 1962 Bredemeier, Harry C. 7464
6 a HM271
The anatomy of power
Boston, [ United States ] : Houghton Mifflin , 1983 Galbraith, John Kenneth 21881
7 a HM821
The anatomy of social inequality/Charles E. Hurst
Missouri, [ United States ] : The C. V. Mosby Company , 1979 Hurst, Charles E. 114857
8 5 HM1281
Another way : Non-violence as a mentality and strategy in Palestine: Materials for education
Bethlehem, [ Palestine ] : AEI-Open Windows , 2005 109425
9 a HM37
Anthropology and society
Washington, D. C. : Anthropological Society of Washington , 1975 13002
10 a HM1271
Anti-racism and multiculturalism : studies in international communication/edited by Mark D. Alleyne
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Transaction Publishers , 2011 9781412813228 98321
11 a HM251
Applied social psychology
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1984 Oskamp, Stuart 19768
12 a HM24
Applied sociology : a treatise on the conscious improvement of society by society
Boston, [ United States ] : Ginn and Company , 1906 Ward, Lester F 20432
13 a HM51
AQA sociology for AS/Circe Newbold ...{etal}
Tennessee, [ United States ] : Nelson Thomas , 2008 Newbold, Circe 9780748798308 107684
14 a HM22
As a tale that in told : the autobiography of R.M. Mac Iver
Chicago, [ United States ] : University of Chicago Press , 1968 Mac Iver, R.M 20436
15 a HM35
Banaras in transition (1738-1795)
New Delhi : Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt., Ltd , 1974 Mishra, Kamala Prasad 12021
16 a HM48
Basic research methods
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. , 1982 Saslow, Carol A 35254
17 a HM251
Basic studies in social psychology
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Holt, Rinehart and Winston , 1965 7615
18 a HM571
Basics of social research : Qualitative and quantitative approaches/ W. Lawrence Neuman
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Pearson Education Inc. , 2012 Neuman, W. Lawrence 9780205762613 109308
19 a HM263
Be your own PR man : a public relations guide for the small businessman
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Kogan Page , 1981 Bland, Michael 20717
20 a HM263
Be your own PR man : practical public relations for the small business
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Kogan Page , 1987 Bland, Michael 31788
21 a HM51
Being human : Psychological and philosophical perspectives/Richard Gross
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Hodder Education , 2012 Gross, Richard 9781444128864 98530
22 a HM585
Being sociological/edited by Steve Mathewman, Catherine Lane West-Newman and Bruce Curtis
Singapore, [ Singapore ] : Palgrave Macmillan , 2007 978230005235 98639
23 a HM251
Beliefs, attitudes, and values : a theory of organization and change
California, [ United States ] : Jossey-Bass Publishers , 1976 Rokeach, Milton 18370
24 a HM1261
Beyond authority : leadership in a changing world/Julia Middleton
New York, [ United States ] : Palgrave Macmillan , 2007 Middleton, Julia 9780230500013 97971
25 a HM133
Beyond words : the story of sensitivity training and the encounter movement
Baltimore, [ United States ] : Penguin Books , 1973 Back, Kurt W 18219
26 a HM636
The body/edited by Tiffany Atkinson
New York, [ United States ] : Palgrave , 2005 Atkinson, Tiffany 0333765338 82164
27 a HM479
Bourdieu and culture/Derek Robbins
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2000 Robbins, Derek 0761960449 109120
28 g VHSG:
Boys and Girls
29 a HM846
Brain gain : Technology and the quest for digital wisdom/Marc Prensky
New York, [ United States ] : Palgrave Macmillan , 2012 Prensky, Marc 9780230338098 103331
30 a HM132
Bridges not walls : a book about interpersonal communication
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Addison Wesley Publishing Company , 1972 17182
31 a HM141
A casebook for student leaders/Robert Holkeboer, Thomas Hoeksema
Boston, [ United States ] : Houghton Mifflin , 1998 Holkeboer, Robert 039585704X 85662
32 a HM251
Cases in organizational behavior
Sydney, [ Australia ] : McGraw-Hill , 1973 Hines, G. H 7573
33 a HM1271
Caste wars : A philosophy of dicrimination/David Edmonds
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 2006 Edmonds, David 0415385373 90123
34 a HM22
Caught in the middle : contradictions in the lives of sociologists from working-class backgrounds
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Praeger Publishers , 1997 Grimes, Michael D. 40584
35 a HM24
Celebration of awareness : a call for institutional revolution
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Calder and Boyars , 1971 Illich, Ivan D 3368
36 a HM821
The Challenges of Vulnerability : In search of strategies for a less vulnerable social life/Barbara A. Misztal
New York, [ United States ] : Palgrave Macmillan , 2011 Misztal, Barbara A. 9780230222748 98609
37 a HM663.3
Changing family patterns in the Arab East
Beirut, [ Lebanon ] : American University of Beirut , 1974 Prothro, Edwin Terry 17157
38 a HM1211
Changing Korea : Understanding culture and communication/T.Youn-ja Shim, Min-Sun Kim, and Judith N. Martin
New York, [ United States ] : Peter Lang Publishing , 2008 Shim, T. Youn-ja 9781433101939 90092
39 a HM22
Charles Horton Cooley : his life and his social theory
New York, [ United States ] : Dryden Press , 1942 Jandy, Edward C 20435
40 a HM251
Children and youth : psychosocial development
Chicago, [ United States ] : Dryden Press , 1973 McCandless, Boyd R. 13229
41 g VHSG:
42 a HM73
Civilization and logic : the law of inversely proportional stupidity
New York : NOW Mail Order Books , 1983 Nowacki, Walenty 17924
43 a HM291
Class and conformity : a study in values
Chicago, [ United States ] : Dorsey Press , 1969 Kohn, Melvin L 20745
44 a HM24
The coming crisis of Western sociology
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Books ltd , 1970 Gouldner, Alvin W 5109
45 a HM101
The coming of post-industrial society : a venture in social forecasting
New York, [ United States ] : Basic Books , 1973 Bell, Daniel 8110
46 a HM133
Communicating in small groups : Principles and practices
New York, [ United States ] : Harper Collins Publishers , 1989 Beebe, Steven A 27340
47 a HM742
The communication age : Connecting and engaging/Autumn Edwards....(et al)
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Sage Publications, Ltd. , 2013 Edwards, Autumn 9781412977593 102633
48 a HM258
Communication and change in the developing countries
Honolulu, [ United States ] : University of Hawaii Press , 1967 20441
49 a HM106
Communication and the evolution of society
Boston, [ United States ] : The Beacon Press , 1979 Harbermas, Jurgen 11034
50 a HM258
Communication in face to face interaction : selected readings
Middlesex, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1972 37973
51 a HM24
Comparative methods in the social sciences
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1976 Smelser, Neil J 11736
52 a HM24
Comparative methods in sociology : essays on trends and applications
London, [ United Kingdom ] : University of California Press , 1971 13345
53 a HM291
Comparative perspectives on social movements : political opportunities, mobilizing structures, and cultural framings
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1996 41555
54 a HM51
Comtemporary sociology theory
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1979 Poloma, Margaret M 11293
55 4 Ref.HM17
The concise Oxford Dictionary of sociology
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1994 31233
56 a HM101
Configurations of cultural continuity
Rotterdam : A. A. Balkema , 1975 DuToit, Brian M 9389
57 a HM136
Conflict resolution theory and practice : integration and application
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Manchester University Press , 1993 40113
58 a HM51
Conflict and consensus : an introduction to sociology
New York, [ United States ] : Harper and Row Publishers , 1971 Hodges, Harold M 5509
59 a HM136
Conflict and The web of group-affiliations
New York, [ United States ] : Free Press of Glencoe , 1964 Simmel, Georg 39722
60 a HM136
Conflict resolution : cross-cultural perspectives
Westport, CT, [ United States ] : Praeger Publishers , 1998 40138
61 a HM136
Conflict resolution : theory, research, and practice
Albany, [ United States ] : State University of New York Press , 1996 Schellenberg, James A 40155
62 a HM136
Conflict resolution : its language and processes
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Scarecrow Press , 1996 Burton, John W. 49000
63 a HM136
Conflict resolved? : a critical assessment of conflict resolution
London : Pinter , 1998 Tidwell, Alan C 40154
64 a HM24
Conflict sociology : toward an explanatory science
New York, [ United States ] : Academic Press, Inc., Publishers , 1975 Collins, Randall 8152
65 a HM278
Conquest of Violence : The Gandhian Philosophy of Conflict
California, [ United States ] : University of California Press , 1965 Gandhi, Mahatma, 15124
66 a HM278
Conquest of violence the Gandhian philosophy of conflict
Oxford, London, [ United Kingdom ] : Princeton University Press , 1958 Bondurant, Joan V. 0691022819 89344
67 a HM136
Constructive conflicts : from escalation to resolution
New York, [ United States ] : Rowman and Littlefield Publishers , 1998 Kriesberg, Louis 40139
68 a HM24
Contemporary field research : a collection of readings/[edited by] Robert M. Emerson
Illinois, [ United States ] : Waveland Press , 1983 0881333425 88417
69 a HM51
Contemporary sociological theory : Continuing the classical tradition
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1991 Wallace, Ruth A 28160
70 a HM841
Contesting recognition : Culture, identity and citizenship/edited by Janice McLaughlin, Peter Phillimore and Diane Richardson
Singapore, [ Singapore ] : Palgrave Macmillan , 2011 9780230280502 98660
71 a HM131
Contextual analysis
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 1991 Iversen, Gudmund R 32618
72 a HM101
Continuity, innovation and change : selected essays
Amman : Majlis El Hassan , 2001 Bin Talal, El Hassan 42964
73 a HM51
Controversies in sociology : a Canadian introduction
Toronto, [ Canada ] : Copp Clark Pitman Ltd , 1990 Hale, Sylvia M 35065
74 a HM136
Coping through conflict resolution and peer mediation
New York, [ United States ] : Rosen Publishing Group , 1998 Simpson, Carolyn 40115
75 a HM136
Coping with social conflict : supervising counselors and psychotherapists
New York, [ United States ] : Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. , 1972 Mueller, William J 43515
76 a HM251
The Cosmos reader
New York, [ United States ] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , 1971 5904
77 a HM671
Creating capabilities : the human development approach/Martha C. Nussbaum
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press , 2011 Nussbaum, Martha C. 9780674050549 95965
78 a HM55
The crisis of industrial civilization : the early essays of Auguste Comte
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Books , 1974 16299
79 a HM24
Critical theory and methodology/Raymond A. Morrow with David D. Brown
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE , 1994 Morrow, Raymond A. 080394683x 108060
80 a HM851
Critique of information/Scott Lash
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE , 2002 Lash, Scott 0761952691 88821
81 g DVD:
Cross-Cultural Communication : How Culture Afftects Communication
New York, [ United States ] : Insight Media , 2005 93954
82 a HM258
Cross-cultural explorations : Activities in culture and psychology/Susan Goldstein
Boston, [ United States ] : Allyn and Bacon , 2000 Goldstein, Susan 0205285201 110794
83 a HM107
The cultural context of learning and thinking : an exploration in experimental anthropology
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Methuen and Company , 1971 Cole, Michael 10933
84 a HM101
Cultural discord in the modern world : Geographical themes
Canada : Tantalus Research Ltd , 1974 9624
85 a HM621
Cultural expression, creativity and innovation/edited by Helmut K. Anheier, Yudhishthir Raj Isar and Christopher Waterman
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2010 9781412920865 98325
86 a HM621
The cultural industries/David Hesmondhalgh
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Sage Publications, Ltd. , 2003 Hesmondhalgh, David 0761954538 104005
87 a HM104
The cultural revolution in China
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books , 1970 Robinson, Joan 1872
88 a HM621
Cultural sociology : An introduction/Les Back ...(et al)
West Sussex, [ United Kingdom ] : Wiley- Blackwell , 2012 Back, Les 9781405189842 97950
89 a HM623
Cultural studies : theory and practice/Chris Barker; with a foreword by Paul Willis
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2003 Barker, Chris 0761941568 84930
90 a HM623
Cultural studies : the basics/Jeff Lewis
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2008 Lewis, Jeff 9781412922302 93838
91 a HM623
Cultural studies : theory and practice/Chris Barker ; with a foreword by Paul Willis
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2008 Barker, Chris 9781412924160 94669
92 a HM623
Cultural studies : theory and practice/Chris Barker ; with a foreword by Paul Willis
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2012 Barker, Chris 9780857024800 98318
93 a HM101
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Fontana Paperbacks , 1981 Williams, Raymond 20899
94 a HM132
Culture and interpersonal communication/William B. Gudykunst, Stella Ting-Toomey with Elizabeth Chua
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 1988 Gudykunst, William B. 0803926464 101172
95 a HM101
Culture and society : a Festschrift to Dr. A. Aiyappan
Delhi : Thomson Press (India) Limited Publication Division , 1975 9572
96 a HM623
Culture and society : an introduction to cultural studies/David Oswell
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2006 Oswell, David 9780761942696 98320
97 a HM621
Culture in minds and societies : Foundations of cultural psychology/Jaan Valsiner
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2007 Valsiner, Jaan 9780761935827 98410
98 a HM258
Culture, communication and conflict : readings in intercultural relations
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Simon and Schuster , 1994 40184
99 a HM258
Culture, society, and the media/edited by Michael Gurevitch ... [et al.]
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Methuen , 1982 041673510X 91191
100 a HM101
Cultures and / of globalization/edited by Barrie Axford and Richard Huggins
Newcastle, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge Scholars Publishing , 2011 9781443832175 97704